hey, i’m brenna

I’m a Los Angeles - based communications strategist specializing in digital strategy, social media, brand development and storytelling.


My job is to understand people, share stories, and amplify movements. My passion is social impact - but that never happens alone.

I’m looking to progress in my digital communications career, continue learning, and continue pursuing change.

  • Queerness. The LGBTQ+ community, especially BIPOC Queer and Trans communities, are who we can credit for a ton of the media that’s at the forefront of mainstream pop culture. But queerness is seemingly expansive, and incredibly resilient. In different corners of the earth and random pockets of society, queer culture continues to move the needle in art, culture, and power building.

  • Joy. Hope. Humor. Small wins. Big wins.

  • My north star, the fire under my belly that got me into this work, is close to my heart. Like many, my story has some heartbreaking realities - these realities are rooted in systemic problems that we have the power to change! What drives me is the search for something bigger than collective survival.

reach out!